Here you can find a selection of talks which we have organized in the past. Of course this does not mean that we will never organize a talk on this topic again. If you are interested in some topics, or even want to give a speech, please contact us, or join us in of our regular meetings.

What Mathematics does in the Brain—Mathematics and Brain Research
Professor Sauer held a very interesting presentation about the topic. He showed some examples of how mathematics impact the brain and how diverse the separate areas in our head react to different numbers and methods. He also made great use of his own experiences in this field he gained from …

Tools for your SEP
Like every year we will show a selection of tools that are useful for the SEP (Software Engineering Project). The event will be held in HS11 (IM).

Research Talks by the Chair of Software Engineering
On June, 13th, 2016 three PhD students of Professor Apel’s Chair of Software Engineering visited us: Alexander Grebhahn, Claus Hunsen, and Andreas Stahlbauer. All three gave us an introduction into their research topics.
The first talk by Alexander Grebhahn was about non-functional properties and optimization. It is a significant …

"ATOS Live Hacking Talk"
On June 30th, two penetration testers of ATOS, Alex and Stephan, visited us. About 50 people joined the talk.
While Alex explained the backgrounds and methods to us, Stephan worked as the attacker. The took a simulated web shop as their example and were looking for weaknesses in it. The …

Micro-Epsilon - automatic detection of lack defects
After last year's exciting talk we had the pleasure of having Achim Sonntag of Micro-Epsilon again for a talk. This time his talk was on automated detection of paint defects with the reflectCONTROL system.
He started with an introduction in the structure and work of the global acting company, Micro-Epsilon …

A Beginner’s Guide to Scientific Data Presentation using LaTeX
Evaluating the work done for a seminar paper, a thesis, or even a scientific publication often forces students to present a large amount of data in a consistent and appropriate way. Doing so, one will encounter many pitfalls due to the complexity of the task. It can be a long-running and frustrating process to find out, which way works the best. Although, we cannot provide universally valid rules, we want to give some hints and guidelines with this work. Therefore, we present formal aspects, packages and tools, that are helpful when presenting the evaluation results and data in general.

Git - Better commit than sorry
Dass git ein mächtiges Werkzeug ist, davon wurden am Montag dem 25.4. alle Anwesenden überzeugt, als es hieß "Git - better commit than sorry". Florian hielt einen umfassenden Vortrag, bei dem jeder etwas dazulernen konnte. Am Anfang wurden für alle git-Neulinge die Basics vorgestellt, auf die dann im Laufe …

Open Source Development
Last Thursday, 19th of November, we have had the honor of recieving an all surrounding talk about the topic Open Source Development, reaching from what license to use over the steps how a project is changed and developed over time and finally how to distribute your package to the rest …

Sicherheit in Online-Spielen
Am Donnerstag den 11. Juni hielt Stefan Payer, einer der Gründer von CipSoft, einen Vortrag über die verschiedenen Sicherheitsaspekte in Online-Spielen. Als Beispiel dienten Tibia und Tibia ME, zwei Spiele, die von CipSoft entwickelt werden.
Angefangen bei der Differenzierung zwischen Sicherheit FÜR den Spieler (z.B. in Bezug auf Epilepsie …

Industrielle Messmaschinen - eine Herausforderung an Software
Am Montag den 8. Juni hielt Achim Sonntag, ein Mitarbeiter der Firma Micro-Epsilon, einen Vortrag über die Herausforderungen die in Software für industriellen Messmaschinen bewältigt werden muss.
Zu Beginn stellte er sich kurz selbst, und danach die Micro-Epsilon vor. Seit über 45 Jahren arbeitet diese Firma im Bereich der Wegmessung …