
Advent calendar


Slides of the award presentation (german): here

By now it's already a small tradition: the award-winning programming advent claendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau. The 4th time in a row there will be a daily programming task set during advent time. Everyone may participate and the are cool prizes …


IEEE Advent calendar 2014 retrospect

With our prize giving ceremony at the 26.01.2015 the advent calendar 2014 has completed. Thanks to all participants and we congratulate the winners alefu, 3_of_8, conan_the_librarian, Frodewin, ChiliconCarne and Mat2095!
This year we had 91 registered participants and a total of 2,309 submissions. The outcome of this …

IEEE Advent calendar

Advent calendarIEEE SB Passau offers this Christmas season an Advent calendar again. Every day take a new chance to open a window of our calendar and solve the problem behind it.
If you have completed all tasks successfully and have passed the test cases, a Raspberry Pi B+ may be waiting …

Advent calendar


Like last year the IEEE SB Passau provides an Advent calender. "Code, no chocolate!" – There are 24 tasks to solve and everyone is invited to take part in this competition.

Every day at 0:00 o'clock there will be a new programmers task. You may solve it in Java, Python …


Weekend of Code

WeekendOfCode The Weekend of Code is about writing a program from Friday Evening until Sunday Morning which will be scored by several different criteria (usability, efficency, creativity, …). The best teams (up to 7 people) will be rewarded.

Allowed are programs of all kind in every programming language. But consider that a …

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