
Vim - the modern IDE

On Thursday, May 22, Olaf and Andreas were invited to give a talk about VIM and how easy it is to work with it. At the beginning, Olaf showed us basic commands like :wq and dd, which should be known by every VIM user. After that he gave us an …


Professors face-to-face – Prof. Dr. Amft

On April 24, 2014 Prof. Dr. Amft has been our guest in a professors face-to-face. He spent one and a half hours to talk about his career, his research and his ambitions.

Professor Amft has been holding the new Chair for Sensors Technologies, which was created in the context of …


Beginning of the summer term 2014

The IEEE Student Branch Passau wishes all students a good start in the summer term 2014. We want to invite you at the same time to join our first regular meeting on 2014/04/07. It starts at 6pm c.t. in the room IM 242, afterwards we will have …


IEEE Student Branch Passu celebrates its 25th birthday

On February 20, IEEE Student Branch Passau celebrates its 25thEgg-Drop-Contest anniversary. We are glad to be participating in and enhancing day-to-day life at the university with fascinating talks and workshops for Passau's Computer Science
students. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary in summer, following the 5th IEEE Germany Student Conference …

Advent calendar


Like last year the IEEE SB Passau provides an Advent calender. "Code, no chocolate!" – There are 24 tasks to solve and everyone is invited to take part in this competition.

Every day at 0:00 o'clock there will be a new programmers task. You may solve it in Java, Python …


JRobots Contest

JRobot Coding Convention

The current JRobots-Framework

The current JRobots-Framework

One team, one robot, one arena. Within four hours the participants develop a control algorithm for a Java-bot - target acquisition, path finding and everything which is helpful for a robot to hold its ground.

Several methods are provided for controlling your bot: you can …


Gentoo Install Party

GentooInstallPartyAs the installation of Ubuntu is easy nowadays it's not worthwhile anymore to organize a Linux Install Party so we invented something new! We show you how to install a Gentoo system from ground up und how to perform the first steps. Ssecondarily we explain to you how to compile …

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