
From time to time we host workshops where you can listen to talks about various topics and get some first hand experience.

Past topics were for example a softskill-workshop with the topic “Developing Leadership Skills”, some PHP- and LaTeX-workshops and an workshop about programming of linux kernel drivers.

At some workshops there the goal is not only to achieve some experience, but to create a system that can be used productively. An example would be the Gentoo Install Party.

Workshops of the Student Branch


Development of Leadership Skills

Die IEEE Student Branch Passau lädt ein zu einem Soft-Skill-Seminar zum Thema "Development of Leadership Skills". Das Seminar findet statt am Freitag, den 21.11. von 14 bis 18 Uhr und am Samstag, den 22.11. von 9 bis 12:30 Uhr. Wie fast alle unsere Events findet es statt …


Preparation course

As every semester, there is a preparation course, which is held in the week before the lectures start. It includes an introduction to Unix, Emacs and the computer pools held by the pool administrators, a guided tour through the libary, a talk about the possibilities at university, e.g. visting …

PHP für Anfänger

$IEEE_Student_Branch["Passau"] präsentiert:

Den PHP Workshop für Anfänger


Unsere kompetenten PHP-Profis Oliver Albers und Severin Neumann erklären euch die Welt der Entwicklung von Webanwendungen in der beliebten Open-Source-Programmiersprache PHP.


In fünf aufeinander folgenden Terminen werden dabei die wichtigsten Themen behandelt, die man als Einsteiger in die Welt der …


J2EE Courses

What is it all about?

With the J2EE Courses we want to give you during 4 IEEE Specials an introduction into software developement with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition. We will try to demonstrat with small examples the possibilities of the J2EE. We use the open source application server JBoss …

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