The material used during the talk (slides, etc.) can be found here. On the 13th of June 2019 Sebastian Aigner, Education Advocate at JetBrains, visited to enlighten us about everything related to Kotlin.
Tools for your (S)EP
Like every year we showed a selection of tools that are useful for the (S)EP ([Software] Engineering Project).
Introduction to Rust
On the 27th of june Fabian Knorr, Master of Science in Computer Science and ex student of the university of Passau, held a talk about his beloved programming language Rust. He followed the language ever since its first release.
Professors in Person with Professor Fraser
On Monday, the third of June as part of our ongoing series of talks "Professors in Person" we welcomed guest speaker Prof. Dr. Gordon Fraser so we might - with the assistance of a little cheat sheet - uncover the mysteries of his past together.
An Introduction to Scrum
On the 9th of May Achim Kümmler, a man with decades of experience in software development and member of the Fraunhofer Institute, elaborated on the principles of a more modern approach to software development: Scrum.
From Idea to Startup to Company
On Monday, January 14, 2019, Dr. Andreas Böhm visited the IEEE Student Branch. Under the slogan "Data Science from Garage to Production", the founder and managing director of the company ONE LOGIC talked about the success story of his former Start-Up. In just five years he managed to acquire many customers and recruit 130 employees.
Public-Key Cryptography for Dummies
In modern days, cryptography is a very important part of many aspects of our modern society―especially in the Internet: safe communication between websites needs to be ensured to keep 3rd parties from interfering, the process of logging into a website or accessing online databases. Thanks to Prof Zumbrägel and his talk "Public-Key Cryptography for Dummies", we had the opportunity to gain insights into the basics of cryptography.
All About Siltronic
A basic component of all electronic systems today are high purity silicon wafers. These are produced by only a few companies in the world. One of them reports about challenges in their industry.
Basics of Embedded Hardware Design
Rafael Bachmann honored our Student Branch with a talk about hardware design from scratch. This means no arduino and nothing preassembled, only the plain components designed and soldered by yourself.
JRobots 2018
On Saturday, 01.12.2018 it was time once again for a jRobots Competition. The developer of the framework, Ray, and a representative of our sponsor Cipsoft, Tobias, came to the University of Passau to hold the event.