
Basics of Embedded Hardware Design

Rafael Bachmann honored our Student Branch with a talk about hardware design from scratch. This means no arduino and nothing preassembled, only the plain components designed and soldered by yourself.


JRobots 2018

On Saturday, 01.12.2018 it was time once again for a jRobots Competition. The developer of the framework, Ray, and a representative of our sponsor Cipsoft, Tobias, came to the University of Passau to hold the event.


7. IEEE Programming Advent calendar

Not in the mood for chocolate but you like the thought of an Advent calendar? You don't know what to do with all the time until Christmas? Then take the challenge and participate in the Advent calendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau!

This is already the seventh iteration of …


Continuous Integration for Everybody

Setting up Continous Integration for a project can be quick and easy. Using a Java project with Maven, Jenkins and GitLab as an example, Thomas showed us how they ensure code quality at ONE LOGIC.


Git - Advanced usage and details

Development as a team is an important part of every bigger IT project. Version control are essential for this even if they bing some pitfalls you may want to avoid.



On the 5/17 we were honored by ex-student branch member Tobias Hilbig from Munich, who shared his knowledge about crypto-currencies and so called "Smart Contracts". He gave a technical introduction on how the blockchain functions, how crypto-currencies, especially Bitcoin, developed and how realistic the relevance of this topic might …


6. IEEE Programming Advent calendar

Not in the mood for chocolate but you like the thought of an Advent calendar? You don't know what to do with all the time until Christmas? Then take the challenge and participate in the Advent calendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau!

This is already the sixth iteration of …


What Mathematics does in the Brain—Mathematics and Brain Research

Professor Sauer held a very interesting presentation about the topic. He showed some examples of how mathematics impact the brain and how diverse the separate areas in our head react to different numbers and methods. He also made great use of his own experiences in this field he gained from …

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